The Balancing Boric Acid Suppository: Packaging + Campaign
Cora launched their boric acid suppository within their Vulva + Vaginal Care portfolio, which complements the core product offerings of organic and reusable period care. The addition of this and other self-care products mean that customers can rely on Cora as their one-stop-shop for all things period and body care.
Launching this new product involved collaborating with marketers, copywriters and printers to develop the packaging and the launch campaign. The messaging focused on educating consumers on why it’s important to maintain a balanced vaginal pH, and how these suppositories can play a role in their self care.
Art direction + Design: Elisa Massenzio
Photography, Product Renderings: Molly Matalon, Sean Funcik
Designed using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Figma.